Monday, August 4, 2008

Post Three.

SE strikes again. Maintenance has been going on much longer than it was originally supposed to. Four or so more hours, honestly. But, it's back up now... even if it was supposed to be done ant 5! Oh well. And Laggie and I found out I can't convert time... or the site I was using couldn't... or both, to be honest. It's weird calling Laggie by Andrew, just a bit.

Tomorrow I've got to stop by KHS to work out my schedule. Jeeze, I've not a clue what I want to take, really. I know... Pre-Calculus, Biology, American History, maybe World Geography, Lit 3, Creative Writing, and Advanced Web Design. That's almost a full course. Stephanie said she'll pick me up around... noon, maybe. Let's hope I can get the classes I want.