I got two more pieces of my SCH AF today-- my body and feet (Loafers and Gown). Hopefully, I'll get my head in the next few days... my Scholar's Motarboard. Jeffreestar's looking cuter by the minute. Mithra sch... for the win.
The static got to 54 today. I hope we're able to get 56 tomorrow. Which, wouldn't be much of a surprise seeing as how well we're doing on colibri. Those lot are really a blast to work with. I'm glad Laggie introduced me to them all. Though, he's got his work cut out for him since we've duo rng in our static. Byahahaha.
Laggie and Decy messed around with an RMT party after we were done. Spam curing their tank and then Invincibleing and such... holding it until they got another, and then zoninging. Thus, the RMT party now would have two after them. >.>...
Hmm... some after party shots.

So, after that the ones that didn't log out went to the level 5 Besieged that was going to take place. We sat around in our swimwear and town gear as we waited... much fun, o'course.

Decy enjoyed being able to dance on Nerji's dead body. How nice.

After all that, I just kinda chilled around. Jessica and I are making plans about the band and other get togethers. Jennifer should be leaving in about a week, maybe. I don't even know anymore.
The West Point, Iowa Sweet Corn Festival is this week from Thursday to Sunday. I should be going Thursday and Saturday with friends, actually. Sunday, I believe I'm going again with family on our way back from going to Fun City. Jeeze, this week is a bit busy.
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